PEGASOS 3rd Annual Meeting 4-6 February 2014


Tuesday 4 February

8:30-8:45 Welcome – Introduction – S. Pandis


8:45-8:50 Overview of Theme I – C. Granier

8:50–9:05 BVOC and fire emissions – W. Knorr

9:05-9:20 Integrated System for wild-land fires IS4FIRES – J. Soares

9:20-9:35 Past anthropogenic emissions – C. Granier

9:35-9:55 Future anthropogenic emissions – M. Van der Berg

9:55-10:10 Evolution of atmospheric species during the past four decades – X. Fain

10:10-10:30 Future work and discussion – C. Granier

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

THEME II: Atmospheric Processes

11:00-11:20 Overview of Theme III achievements and objectives for upcoming year – A. Kiendler-Scharr

11:20–11:35 Overview of laboratory experimental activities – C. George

11:35-11:50 Evolution of the complex refractive index in ageing secondary organic aerosol of biogenic origin – Y. Rudich

11:50-12:05 Kinetic modeling of gas-particle interactions: Heterogeneous reactions and SOA formation – T. Berkemeier

12:05-12:20 On the concept of Zeppelin vertical profiling in the PBL – T. Mentel

12:20-12:50 Atmospheric chemical composition changes during heat waves in the Po Valley – S. Decesari

12:50-13:00 Future work and discussion – A. Kiendler-Scharr

13:00-14:30 Lunch

PEGASOS Field Campaigns

14:30-14:50 Missing gas phase source of HONO inferred from Zeppelin measurements in the PBL – A. Hofzumahaus

14:50–15:05 Overview of observed VOCs and OH – reactivity – R. Wegener

15:05-15:20 Aerosol composition and back trajectory analysis – T. Mentel

15:20-15:35 Profiling of hygroscopic properties and mixing state of aerosols during PEGASOS-12 – B. Rosati

15:35-15:50 Overview of North campaign: connection between ground and airborne measurements – T. Petäjä

15:50-16:05 Onset of new particle formation in boundary layer – H. Manninen

16:05-16:20 Airborne aerosol measurements by a light aircraft – R. Krejci

16:20-16:45 Coffee Break

PEGASOS Field Campaigns

16:45-17:00 Overview of aerosol number concentration and size distributions observed on board the Zeppelin – T. Mentel

17:00-17:15 Analysis of temporal variability in land-atmosphere interactions, boundary layer dynamics and chemistry during the 2012 PEGASOS field campaigns – L. Ganzeveld

17:15-17:30 Model-measurement link (EURAD forecast, overview of available forecasts and first comparison results – K. Kazanas

17:30-17:45 Update on the PEGASOS data base – A. Asmi

17:45-18:15 Future work and Discussion – M. C. Fachini

Wednesday 5 February

THEME III: Links between Air Quality and Climate Change

8:30-8:45 Overview of Theme III achievements and objectives for upcoming year – I. Bey

8:45–9:00 Impact of climate and emission changes on air quality over Europe – J. Soares

9:00-9:15 Evaluating aerosol trends from 1960 to 2010 using HadGEM3-UKCA and EMEP data – S. Turnock

9:15-9:30 Air quality-climate coupling of pollutant emissions through indirect forcing – M. Yoshioka

9:30-9:45 Global CTM simulations of historical oxidants and aerosol changes since 1980 – N. Daskalakis, M. Kanakidou

9:45-10:00 Seasonal-scale climate-boundary layer chemistry interactions – L. Ganzeveld

10:00-10:15 Secondary organics aerosols from 1960 to 2010: Impact of change in anthropogenic emissions, land use, and climate – I. Bey

10:15-10:30 Intercomparison of current chemical mechanisms – M. Schultz

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-11:15 Regional chemical transport modeling and other results – S. Pandis

11:15-11:30 Future work and discussion – K. Carslaw

Theme IV: Integration with Policy

11:30-11:40 Theme overview – D. Fowler

11:40-12:00 Effect of past air quality changes on climate – M. Gauss

12:00-12:20 The impact of climate and emissions changes on the deposition of reactive nitrogen (Nr) over Europe – D. Simpson- D. Fowler

12:20-12:40 Seeking win-win strategies – M. Ammann

12:40-13:00 Future work and discussion – G. Brasseur

13:00-14:30 Lunch

14:30-15:15 4rd PEGASOS General Assembly

Opening – S. Pandis

Scientific reporting – S. Pandis

Financial report – C. Pilinis

Other business

Final meeting organization


15:15-15:45 SQ1: Overview-Discussion – C. Granier- K. Carslaw

15:45-16:15 SQ2: How will emissions respond to changes in climate, fire, VOC and nitrogen compounds – A. Arneth- D. Fowler- W. Knorr

16:15-16:45 Coffee break


  1. Field + Modeling -M. Kanakidou
  2. Theme IV -F. Dentener

20:00 PEGASOS Dinner

Thursday 6 February

08:00-09:15 Steering Group Meeting –

9:30-9:45 SQ3: Effects of climate change on air quality: assessment with a simplified coupled land-atmosphere model – P. Monks

9:45-10:00 SQ3: The changing oxidative environment in urban and regional Europe – M. Krol

10:00-10:30 SQ 4 – Kanakidou- Kulmala

10:30-11:00 SQ 5 – Brasseur- Ammann

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-12:45 Reports from working groups and Planning for the last project year

12:45-13:00 Closing Remarks – S. Pandis

13:00 END

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